:: Scooby Doo Party Ideas :: Games & Activities :: Scooby Doo Mystery Game :: - (2025)

If you’re looking for Scooby-Doo party activity and game ideas….I’ve got the COMPLETE PARTY details, from beginning to end! With a house full of kids, I didn’t want one moment to go unplanned! So here it is…You can thank me later in the comments section!

KIDS ARRIVE: Introduce yourself…”Hi, __________! So glad you could make it! I’m Detective ______. Before I let you in…were you here earlier today? (No), Okay, just checking! Because we have a mystery on our hands and we need your help!!! Someone stole all the kids party favor boxes!!! So we set up a Mystery Inc. Training Center out back to help you and the gang get ready to solve this mystery. But first, we need to trace your footprints, just to make sure you are not a suspect.

(Trace all kids footprints onto gray construction paper to have them identify them later—)

Warning: THERE ARE NO TRESPASSERS ALLOWED into the area that is blocked off…
Until we ask some questions and trace footprints to all possible suspects.”

(The point of this is to make sure no guests wander off to otherparty areas so they don’t accidentally find clues and games that have been previously set upand to keep them ‘entertained’ while the remaining guests arrive. The kids will participate in thisMystery Party together, so you need to wait for your guests to arrive before you begin. But you tell them they are “getting ready to solve this mystery” by having them visit the Mystery Inc. Training Center).
:: Scooby Doo Party Game ::

Throwing Beanbags at the Monsters
Monsters painted on poster board with mouths cut out. Kids threw beanbags at them. You could also use balls, Nerf guns, etc.

Practice Maneuvering through the Mummy Maze

White yarn/string tangles between 2 sides (fences, trees, posts, etc)to form a maze which they need to crawl over, under and through to get from one side to the other. Make sure they are done at all levels (high and low) so they can’t just crawl entirely under or walk entirely over.

Shooting Water Guns at Ghosts in Trees
Small white garbage bags turned inside out, hung with fishing string and traced black spooky eyes with permanent markers. Place a bucket with pre-filled water guns.

Monster Bowling
Bowling pins decorated with classic Scooby monsters!

Go Get em’!Then, make sure you get some food, Scoob!
Check out this post for Scooby-Doo Food Ideas with Printables!
Wait for further instructions!


Web Maze.
Create a web maze out of brown string that the kids must follow to the next clue. After weaving long pieces of brown string around your selected area, tie white balloons, with ghost faces drawn on them, to the end of the string. Attach the next clue to one of the balloons.
:: Scooby Doo Party Games ::

1ST CLUE: I love taking party favors from children! If you want them back you must follow my clues. First find the string that is the color brown. Make sure you follow it all around!

Stomp the Balloons
Inside each balloon, there arepieces of the Mystery Kids Post Newspaper. After the kids have popped all of the balloons, have them put the clue pieces together to form the Mystery Kids Post Newspaper, which headlines “EXTRA, EXTRA! It’s a bird, it’s a plane, No! Its you’re next clue!” The kids will need to look to find their next clue hanging from the tree.
:: Scooby Doo Printable Activities ::

2nd CLUE: By untangling the web, you found my clue on a “G-G-G-G-G-Ghost!” Now stomp on balloons to find pieces of clues, but to get your answer, put them together to read the NEWS! 3rd CLUE: Jinkies! To find the favor boxes, you must search high and low, go inside & make a circle on the living room floor! When the game is over, the last one in the chair will look underneath it to see what is there!

Scooby, Scooby, Where’s Your Bone?
Have one child sit on the chair and place a bone under it. Have all of the other kids sit on the floor where the child in the chair can’t see them. Next, have everyone take turns quietly and quickly taking the bone from underneath the chair. The person in the chair has to guess who took it. After everyone takes a turn, provide the next clue, which is taped to the bottom of the chair.

Scooby Snack Drop
Have the kids try to get a Scooby Snack biscuit into a jar while standing over it and dropping it with their chins. Place the next clue (treasure map) under the jar.
:: Scooby Doo Games Activities ::
4th Clue: So you think you’re getting close, But you’re not! Let’s see how good you are With the Scooby snacks you drop! Where meals are made and people cook perhaps you ought to take a look!

Use this Blank Treasure Map Template to make customize it for yourself.

Treasure Chest Jewel Scramble
Using the treasure map, kids follow the clues that will lead them to a treasure chest filled with chocolate coins and jewels! The jewels with have letters attached to them, which they will need to work together to unscramble the word, which leads them to the next clue. (bathroom)
:: Ideas Scooby Doo Party ::

5th CLUE: Zoinks! A treasure map Will surely help you a lot, so find the X That marks the spot! When you find, the treasure chest, your next clue, is scrambled on the jewels.

The following phrase is printed on the back of the 6th clue, which says, “say cheese”. This will lead them to the next clue…the photo booth!

At the photo booth the kids will take pictures with the Mystery Inc. gang photo props (Scooby, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne, & Fred). All kids must use at least 2 props and take a picture. Once this has been completed, the clue will be found underthe front step flap of the photo booth. For the photo booth, I used an upcycled refrigerator box, cutting out the openings and lining the inside for a backdrop. I used the photo booth sign and attached an envelope on the side with all the photo props.

7th CLUE: Scooby, old buddy, old pal! use these photo props and give me a big smile! You’ve got to use at least 2 props And take a picture! So that you get a clue For your next adventure!

Who’s Who?
All of the kid’s footprints were traced and numbered when they arrived at the party and were put on the wood fence floor. They have to identify the footprints, who’s who? The next clue will be on the side of the post. The decorations in the picture were used by tracing the bottom of men’s dress shoes onto black construction paper and then cutting them out.
:: Scooby Doo Birthday Party Decorations ::

8th CLUE: Your footprints were traced, Around your shoe, But you have to find out Whose shoe is whose? The pressures on, Things are getting tense, The next clue is by The wooden garden fence.

Velma’s glasses
Next to the picture sign of Velma on the lawn, the box will be placed. Inside the box, there are 8 pairs of glasses along with gooey gross feeling like stuff (cooked cold pasta, gloves filled with cold water, jello, slime, peeled grapes). I covered the boxwith a black plasticgarbagepaper and made a small slit on the top so only their hands would fit through and they can’t see inside. Each kid has to stick their hands inside the covered box to retrieve a pair of Velmas’ glasses—eyes closed, one hand in, and only pull out one pair of glasses! Once all have completed, the next clue will be on the bottom of the box.
:: Scooby Doo Birthday Party ::

This is when the VILLAIN NEEDSTO GET DRESSED. We used a painter’s suit and a mask, with a backpack filled with their party favors. Here the villainawaits to hear the final clue.)

9th CLUE: Now, there are 8 pairs of glasses, each one of you must find one! But here’s the trick,eyes closed, hands in, make sure only 1 you pick! You’re getting nearer, nearly all the clues are gone, but to get the next one, find Velma on the lawn!

Rebus Clue: Decode the rebus to discover the villain. (A loved one)

10th CLUE: The mystery is nearly solved, hope you’ve had fun, turn this paper over, and you’ll find out, that the villain is…. a +ed (a loved one).

HAVE OTHER GUESTS POINT AND SHOUT that they saw the villain!My husband was hiding behind a tree and the kidschased him down around the backyard until theyuncoveredhis mask to reveal… itwasDAD!! Then he’ll say: “ Ireally wanted a party favor box too! And Iwould have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling guests!”
:: Scooby Doo Party Themes ::

Scooby Doo Party Favors

:: Scooby Doo Party Ideas :: Games & Activities :: Scooby Doo Mystery Game :: - (34)
Detective notepads, magnifying glasses, magic disappearing ink, mini flashlights, fake mustaches, plastic sunglasses, Scooby-Doo lollipop with popping candy, mini pens, andgoody box/bagsto put it all in.
:: Scooby Doo Birthday Ideas::

Make sure each guest receivestheir Mystery Inc. ID Cards!
After all, they are official Mystery Inc. Special Detectives!
:: Scooby Doo Birthday Parties ::

:: Scooby-Doo Mystery Party Clues Printables ::

1st – 4th Clue

5th -7th Clue

8th-10th Clue

Kids Post Newspaper Printable

Blank Treasure Map Template

Mystery Inc. Training Center Sign

Mystery Inc. ID Cards Printable

Where Are My Glasses? Sign:: Scooby Doo Birthday Party Ideas ::

Looking for Scooby Doo Party Food Ideas…check out this post!

:: Scooby Doo Party Ideas :: Games & Activities :: Scooby Doo Mystery Game :: - (2025)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.